A handful of Time Machine fixes include more reliable Time Machine-to-Time Capsule backups, a fix for a problem where a Time Machine backup might not work over an AirPort connection, and an issue with Time Machine where system backups could be restored onto unsupported Mac configurations. In addition to improved iDisk syncing, other updates for MobileMe correct an issue where movies hosted in the service’s gallery couldn’t be viewed in Safari and improve calendar syncing reliability. Apple fixed an issue in Mail that caused background message colors to display incorrectly, as well as a pair of problems related to Microsoft Exchange: one where the Sent mailbox wasn’t correctly synced, and another slightly more frightening one that could make Mail delete mailboxes on an Exchange server hosted behind a load balancer. In addition, iCal has three fixed bugs, one where changing an invitation list for a instance of a recurring event “un-booked” the location of the meeting, and two related to Microsoft Exchange events. This seems to be an extension of Apple’s current system for submitting information upon program crashes.

The data submission-which is prompted by actions like force quitting applications, kernel panics, and system errors-is sent anonymously to Apple and is only collected with the user’s explicit consent. Apple also specifically calls out one larger change: Mac OS X 10.6.3 can automatically collect diagnostic and usage information from your Mac and send it to Apple for analysis, with the end goal of improving Apple’s products and services. Included in this latest update are many fixes and improvements, for issues as far-ranging as updated Daylight Savings Time rules for Antarctica to improved reliability of iDisk syncing. The update’s size may vary depending on the configuration of your Mac. The update is recommended for all users of Snow Leopard, and brings a number of fixes, improvements, and security patches. Apple on Monday morning released Mac OS X 10.6.3, the latest update to Mac OS X Snow Leopard.